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Student Art



Student Art 
By: Lyzeth Espinoza 2015
Memories that are pinned from past years work and each year it is out with some of the old and in with the new.


When anyone here at Canyon Ridge steps into Ms. J's class the first thing they will see is beautiful art work from her students. Creativity that followed an idea from each of her students is work that she proudly portrays from top to bottom on her class room walls. 


Teaching for almost about eight years here in California, Ms.Jurkiewicz has always had a passion for art from an early age. With members of her family always encouraging her to do something with her passion, no surprise that she persued a career in art. 


Working here at Canyon Ridge, Ms.J has seen the creativity that flows through the students who have her, and the students give thanks because without her, our ideas would not become a reality. 


The visions that the students have and the effort they put into the work really shows in the projects that she assigns.


 "They don't realize that this creation has never existed before and it comes directly from them, so it's putting themselves out on the line."


With that being said, her students always find a way through it and mostly leaving them pleased with the outcome of their work. Oscar Garcia says that when he does a project the outcome feeling of his work always depends on how he finishes it. He recommends the class to anyone who has not taken it yet.



Anthony Estrada says it would be a good thing to have the work of students featured on the website because not many people go to art unless they have to. He hopes that the students give it a chance because it is a really fun class and everyone gets along.


Ms.J is thrilled of the idea that the artwork of her students will be featured. Art should be seen and she would really like to honor those students who have worked hard on projects and share them with the community.

 There are struggles that her students go through, but with the help Ms.J  gives, they can get through it. 


Anthony Estrada and Oscar Garcia, who both have been in her class for the past two years, have taken the things they have learned and use it outside of school. 


"Skills that Ms.J gives us are useful; they help bring out the true talents within everybody," said Anthony Estada. As a result Ms.J loves when students share artwork with her outside of class or school, sketchbooks, photos anything really. 


There are learning skills in the process and it touches her because it's coming directly from the student. With every beautiful piece of artwork though comes a struggle.


"I see students struggle with lack of confidence in their art. It is a very personal expression and if a student does not feel they are capable of expressing themselves the way they want to or that they are ready to, it is very threatening," said Ms. J.

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